Contact Support

Great help center! But how do I contact the support team?

Updated over a week ago

Our support team is happy to help!

To contact support you can also use the button above to open the ticket submission flow and submit a ticket. Select the topic pertaining to your inquiry, add whatever details will help us assist you and send the email!

If you are experiencing errors within the app, please include screenshots or a screen recording of the behavior when submitting a support ticket. This will help our team to more quickly resolve or report the issue! Thank you!


You will need to be using the iOS Mail app on your device. To correct this:

  1. Please go to your device general settings and tap on 'Mail'.

  2. Under 'Accounts', please add one of your email accounts. If there is an account listed, please tap on it and turn on the 'Mail' option.

  3. If you have uninstalled the default iOS mail app, please reinstall it.


Please select the GMAIL app as other forms of contact will not work with our system as seen in the included screenshot.

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