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All about Medfriends

Here is where you will find all relevant info regarding Medfriends from a general overview to troubleshooting issues

Updated over 11 months ago

Medfriend feature overview

The Medfriend feature will send your Medfriend reminders for missed doses if no action is made on your notifications. The app will then send a notification 30 minutes after your last reminder; a total of 1 hour after the scheduled time of the dose. The interval cannot be changed at this time.

Can I edit or mark my Medfriend's doses?

All Medfriend features are currently only viewing and not editing. This is for security reasons to prevent a Medfriend from changing someone else's data. We hope to enable more permission features in the future.

Can I get Medfriend reminders for a dependent profile on my Medfriend's profile?

At this time, Medfriends will only receive reminders for the main profile on their Medfriend's account. Medfriends will still be able to view the dependent profile's doses.

Can I change the interval my Medfriend is reminded at?

The app will send a notification 30 minutes after your last reminder (if no action is made of your notifications); a total of 1 hour after the scheduled time of the dose. The interval cannot be changed at this time but we hope to improve this feature in the future to allow for more customizations. Rescheduling a dose will reset the timer.

Inviting Medfriends

There are 2 ways to invite a Medfriend. You can either select a person's contact info from your Contacts (prompted in the app) or adding their information manually.

To begin adding your Medfriend

  1. Open the app and tap on the profile icon on the upper left corner to open the side menu

  2. Tap on 'Invite Medfriend' then tap the next 'Invite Medfriend' prompt as well

  3. When prompted to choose "From Contacts" or "Add Manually" select whichever option is best for you

    1. "From Contacts" - app will ask for access to your Contacts, tap on Ok. Tapping on Contact will automatically add the phone number/email address for the person. Then tap on 'Send Invitation'

    2. "Add Manually" will allow you to add the person's name, phone number or email address by typing it. Then tap on 'Send Invitation'

  4. App will open a prompt for you to choose how to send the invite

    1. Make sure to select your device's default text or email app

  5. Invite will be sent to your Medfriend

Joining Medisafe as the invited Medfriend

  1. When you've received the invite (via email or text), there will be a 4-digit code included

  2. Open Medisafe app and tap on your profile icon on the top left corner to open the side menu

  3. Tap on 'Verification Code' then enter the 4-digit code from the invite

  4. The app will connect you with your Medfriend and give you a confirmation.

  5. Your Medfriend may need to close and reopen the app to also receive the confirmation on their device.

What if my Medfriend lost their invite code?

To locate your Medfriend invite code:

  1. Open the app and tap on your profile icon on the top left corner

  2. Tap on the Medfriend's pending invitation

  3. The verification code will be on the bottom of the text

  4. You can resend the invite by tapping 'Resend' on the top right corner

Troubleshooting the Medfriend feature

Medfriend receiving reminders for Taken doses

We believe this is sometimes happening when the app is closed in the background. After you take your medication, please open your app for a few moments.

If your Medfriend is still getting reminders for taken doses, please contact our support team and we can assist you further.

When contacting us, please include the most recent dose time effected, the time the dose was marked taken and how you marked the dose (opening the app, through the notification).

Medfriend is not seeing doses scheduled

Please tap on your profile icon on the top left of the app to open the side menu. Then tap on your Medfriend profile twice (once to view the profile again again to edit) and sync the meds. You can turn off the "sync my meds" setting, restart the app then repeat the steps to turn it back on.

After doing so, please leave Medisafe open on your phone for a few moments, then close and reopen Medisafe on your Medfriend's phone. They should see your meds now.

Please contact us if you continue to experience this issue.

Medfriend not receiving missed dose reminders

If your Medfriend is not receiving reminders for your missed meds, please tap on your 'Medications'. Tap on one of your medications and suspend and resume the med. Also have your Medfriend check their Medisafe notification settings so that the app is able to send them notifications.


  1. Tap on Medications

  2. Tap your med

  3. Tap 'Edit'

  4. Tap Suspend/Resume


  1. Tap on 'Medications'

  2. Tap on your med

  3. Tap Suspend/Resume

Please contact us if you continue to experience this issue.

Medfriend receives error when trying to connect

If your Medfriend is receiving an error when they input the 4-digit code, you will need to remove the pending invite and invite them again.

To remove a Medfriend:

  1. Open Medisafe and tap on your profile icon to open the side menu

  2. Tap on the Pending Invite and tap to Cancel the invite

  3. Begin the invite process again using the steps mentioned above under "Inviting Medfriends"

Medfriend Tips

Since the Medfriend feature uses on two or more devices, it is crucial to make sure both devices are as detailed below:

  • Both devices are on the latest Medisafe app version

  • Once a 'Taken' action is completed on one device - open the app for a moment or two and close it on the background so the info can sync with the Medfriend

  • Make sure both devices have strong internet connection/ Wi-fi

  • If you notice any inconsistencies, try restarting both devices

Delete a Medfriend

To delete a Medfriend profile:

1. Open Medisafe and tap on your profile icon on the top left corner of the app
2. Under "Profiles", tap on the Medfriend you wish to remove
3. When the preferred profile icon appears on the top of the side menu, tap on it again
4. Tap on 'Delete User' and confirm to delete the profile

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