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Accounts and Profiles
Questions regarding your account, Medfriends and Dependent profiles
27 articles
What is the difference between Medfriend and Dependent profiles?
I can't set my birthdate in the app.
How do I create an account?
Can I remove the Guest profile on my account?
Can I change my email address on my Medisafe account?
I would like to delete my account
I got a new phone, can I transfer my account to the new device?
How do I log in to my account?
How do you keep my data private?
How to save your data!
How can I restore my account?
Confirmation Code does not fit
I got a new phone but cannot login.
How do I add a Medfriend?
Why can't I edit my Medfriend's profile?
How to delete a Medfriend profile?
My Medfriend is not seeing my medications on their account.
My Medfriend is getting reminders for doses I have marked as taken.
My Medfriend is not receiving reminders for my missed doses.
What is a Medriend and how does the feature work?
All about Medfriends