24 articles
How do I make a medication inactive?
How do I set a medication with half doses?
I take my meds every other day. How can I set this up in the app?
Can I get reminded when it is time to refill my med?
How do I add a dose of my med?
Can I change my med to an 'as needed' schedule?
How can I choose the time I marked my dose?
How to add a note to a dose?
How do I reschedule a dose?
How to delete a med?
How to delete a single dose of a med?
I took my meds at a different time! How do I change the time taken?
My medication is not listed in the drop down menu when I try to add it, can I still add it?
How do I edit the medication form that appears on doses?
How can I edit or add a medication's strength?
How can I change my medication's schedule?
How can I change my medication's reminder time?
Is it possible to measure water intake?
My condition is not on the list available. Can I still add it?
I need to order a refill of my med.
I have a question about my medications.
Can I add my vitamins and supplements?
How to add a medication with a custom cycle?
If I take a dose earlier or later than the scheduled time, will the next dose update?